About Me

I am an #rstats and open science enthusiast. I currently work at Highmark Health, managing a team of researchers. Outside of my day job, I serve as a methodologist on several research teams, and develop accessible data tools. This site contains my blog and other open resources for learning data analysis.

Recent Posts

New Preprint: List-columns in data.table: Nesting and unnesting data tables and vectors

I posted a new preprint named “List-columns in data.table: Nesting and unnesting data tables and vectors” in PsyArXiv. It can be downloaded here. It has been submitted to the R Journal (Oct 2019) so updates to the manuscript may follow some feedback.

New Preprint: Six Reasons to Consider Using R in Psychological Research

I posted a new preprint named “Six Reasons to Consider Using R in Psychological Research” in PsyArXiv. It can be downloaded here.

Using `mice` and `furniture` to understand missing data

I get a lot of questions about how to investigate missing values in a data set. So I’m putting this short post together to help me better explain how to handle it.

Bayesian Power Analysis with `data.table`, `tidyverse`, and `brms`

I’ve been studying two main topics in depth over this summer: 1) data.table and 2) Bayesian statistics. I’ve loved learning both and, in this post, I will combine them into a single workflow.

Why I Chose to Learn `data.table` (and such related things)

The data.table package has been a fun thing to learn about this week.

`data.table` and Text Analysis: Analyzing the Four Gospels

I am really enjoying quantitative text analysis as of late, sparked by a project I helped on regarding Autoscore. I’ve also had the desire to use data.table more often in my work. A post showing data.table being used with pipes (which I tweeted about here) got me really going.